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Our reviews

(264 Reviews)
Your trust is our top concern, so Lemon Tree Restaurant Bedford can't alter or remove it's reviews.

Do you like Lemon Tree Restaurant Bedford? We appreciate your effort in writing about your experience. Help customers like you make an informed decision.

April 03, 2020
The chicken Kebab plate was delicious!

April 03, 2020
Always great!

March 28, 2020
We love the Lemon Tree. The food is always excellent and the owners/staff are awesome

March 28, 2020
Great as usual! Thanks

March 24, 2020
Great meal. Great service.

March 18, 2020
I’m a foodie and this is one of my favourite restaurants in the city - a real gem.

March 06, 2020

February 17, 2020
Ordering online was easy and efficient. Order was promised in 20 minutes and was ready when I stepped through the door. As always the food was delicious

January 30, 2020
We love Hummus..
Thank you

January 28, 2020
Always awesome and delicious!