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Our reviews

(264 Reviews)
Your trust is our top concern, so Lemon Tree Restaurant Bedford can't alter or remove it's reviews.

Do you like Lemon Tree Restaurant Bedford? We appreciate your effort in writing about your experience. Help customers like you make an informed decision.

May 02, 2020
Excellent food and ordering online is very easy! Thank you!

May 02, 2020
Tasty and fast. I liked how the food was waiting for me to pick up. No contact at all. No complaints.
Thank you.

April 29, 2020
Wonderful food, excellent service!

April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020
Excellent as usual

April 27, 2020
Great food!

April 27, 2020
Amazing food

Thank you

April 26, 2020
Amazing as always.

April 26, 2020
Fabulous meal, as always! Great take out service during this pandemic!

April 24, 2020
Fresh and delicious, as always, and great service!